Mound City Lodge, No. 294, A. F. and A. M. was set to work U. D. from the Grand Lodge of the State of Missouri, January 25, 1868, with D. P. Ballard, W. M.; John Schrautz, S. W.; Samuel See, J. W.; Dr. B. Meek, Treasurer; William Hoblitzell, Secretary; N. Browning, S. D.; James Wilson, J. D., and M. D. Merrett, S. and Tyler.

October 15, 1868, a charter was granted by Grand Master John D. Vincil, with the above mentioned officers. On the 26th of December following the first election under this charter was held, with the following result : D.P. Ballard, W. M.; Henry S. Buzick, S. W.; John Schrautz, J. W.; Dr. B. Meek, Treasurer; William Hoblitzell, Secretary; N. Browning, S. D.; G. M. Dodge, J. D.; Mark Strickler, S. and Tyler.

December, 1869, the election resulted as follows: D. P. Ballard, W. M.; N. Browning, S. W.; Ed Gillis, J. W., William Hoblitzell, Treasurer; John Schrautz, Secretary; G. M. Dodge, S. D.; M. Houston, J. D.; M. Strickler, S. and Tyler.

December 31, 1870, the following were elected: Napoleon Browning, W. M.; Ed. Gillis, S. W.; G. M. Dodge, J. W.; John W. Bridgeman, Sr., Treasurer ; John Schrautz, Secretary; D. P. Ballard, S. D.; Hamilton Dill, J. D.; T. H. Heard, S. and Tyler.

December, 1871, the following officers were chosen: N. Browning, W. M.; William Hoblitzell, S. W.; J. D. Jones, J. W.; J. W. Bridgeman, Sr., Treasurer; Dr. J. M. Tracy, Secretary; G. M. Dodge, S. D.; James Wilson, J. D.; M. Strickler, Steward and Tyler.

December, 1872, the election was as follows: G. M. Dodge, W. M. George H. Trook, S. W.; J. M. Tracy, J. W.; John Schrautz, Treasurer Edward Gillis, Secretary; William Andes, S. D.; J. F. Bridgeman, J. D. J. L. Nicholson, Steward and Tyler.

December, 1873, the following were elected : N. Browning, W. M.: William Andes, S. W.; J. F. Bridgeman, J. W.; John Schrautz, Treasurer; Edward Gillis, Secretary; G. M. Dodge, S. D.; G. Erwin, J. D.; George H. Trook, Steward and Tyler.

December 26, 1874, the following were elected: Samuel P. Jewell, W. M.; Edward Gillis, S. W.; N. Browning, J. W.; John W. Bridgeman, Treasurer; George H. Trook, Secretary; G. M. Dodge, S. D.; W. H. R. Dean, J. D.; George L. Nicholson, Tyler.

December, 1875, the following were chosen: N. Browning, W. M.; Edward Gillis, S. W.; G. M. Dodge, J. W.; Eli Meek, Treasurer; W. M. Hamsher, Secretary; W. C. Andes, S. D.; A. Crannell.J. D.; George L. Nicholson, Tyler; F. T. Nichols and George H. Trook, Senior and Junior Stewards.

December 27, 1876, were elected: J. S. Hart, W. M.; Ed. Gillis, S. W.; W. M. Hamsher, J. W.; John Schrautz, Treasurer; E. D. McCoy, Secretary ; A. Crannell, S. D.; George L. Nicholson, J. D.; Albert Clark, Tyler ; Levi Gillis and H. Dill, Stewards.

December 27, 1877, the following were elected : M. M. Smith, W. M.; J. S. Hart, S. W.; E. A. Welty, J. W.; John Schrautz, Treasurer ; Edward Gillis, Secretary; Charles Corsaut, S. D.; P. S. Durham, J. D.; G. M. Dodge and H. Dill, Stewards ; M. S. Strickler, Tyler.

In December, 1878, were elected: M. M. Smith, W. M.; E. A. Welty, S. W.; C. K. Corsaut, J. W.; George H. Carpenter, Treasurer; Peter Welty, Secretary; J. S. Hart, S. D.; P. S. Durham, J. D.; M. Strickler, Tyler; George H. Trook and William Hoblitzell, Stewards.

In December, 1879, the following were chosen : M. M. Smith, W. M.; Alvin Bates, S. W.; J. B. Denny, J. W.; George H. Carpenter, Treasurer; J. S. Hart, Secretary; G. M. Dodge, S. D. ; P. S. Durham, J. D.; M. D. Merritt, Tyler.

In December, 1880, were elected Alvin Bates, W. M.; William Hamshef, S. W.; P. P. Welty, J. W.; George H. Carpenter, Treasurer; Lee Durham, Secretary; C. K. Corsaut, S. D.; C. S. Armstrong, J. D.; M. D. Merritt, Tyler; J. S. Hart and M. M. Smith, Stewards.

In December, 1881, the election resulted as follows: J. S. Hart, W. M.; W. M. Hamsher, S. W.; C. S. Armstrong, J. W.; George H. Carpenter, Treasurer; M. M. Smith, Secretary; Peter Welty, S. D.; P. S. Durham, J. D.; G. M. Dodge and J. B. Denny, Stewards ; M. D. Merritt, Tyler. Keystone Royal Arch Chapter, No. 46, was set to work in Oregon, Holt County, Missouri, by C. A. Rowley, D. D. H. P., November 23, 1867, with the following officers : H. Murphey, H. P.; H. C. Busick, J. G. Cowan, Scribe; Daniel Zook, Secretary; George Weber, C. H.; W. H. Williams, P. S.; A. Gillfillin, R. A. C; J. B. Curry, G. M. 3d V.; Dr. C. S. Meek, G. M. 2d V.; Henry Meyer, G. M. 1st V.

This Chapter was again organized on the 10th of March, 1870, by virtue of a charter granted October 7, 1869. The first officers under this charter were J. S. Hart, H. P.; J. T. Sedwick, K.; E. VanBuskirk, S.; M. M. Smith, P. S.; J. N. Masters, C. H.; E. L. Allen, Treasurer; Daniel Zook, Secretary; H. Murphey, R. A. C; Samuel C. Masters, G. M. 3d V.; C. A. David, G. M. 2d V.; A. Gillfillin, G. M. 1st V.; James Curry, Guard. The above were elected October 24, 1869, and the Chapter was set to work March 10, 1870, by John F. Houston, M. E. G. H. P.,. with the folloAving officers: J. S. Hart, H. P.; H. Murphey, K.; E. Van Buskirk, S.; J. N. Masters, C. H.; M. M. Smith, P. S.; E. L. Allen, R. A. C; A. Gillfillin, G. M. 3d V.; Daniel Zook, Secretary ; J. G. Cowan, Treasurer; F. S. Rostock, Guard.

December 26, 1871, the following were elected: M. M. Smith, H. P.; H. Murphey, K.; E. Van Buskirk, S.; T. C. Dungan, P. S.; S. P. Jewell, C. H.; Levi Oren, Treasurer; Daniel Zook, Secretary; E. L. Allen, R. A. C; R. N. Howell, G. M. 3rd V.; John Wallace, G. M. 2nd V.; Charles David, G. M. 1st V. December 1872, the same officers were again chosen.

December 1873 were chosen, M. M. Smith, H. P.; R. N. Howell, K.; John Wallace, S. ; J. N. Masters, C. H. ; T. C. Dungan, P. S.; E. L. Allen, R. A. C; Daniel Zook, Treasurer; A. Roecker, Secretary; Levi Oren, G. M. 3rd V; E. Van Buskirk, G. M. 2nd N.; R. Montgomery, G. M. 1st V; F. S. Rostock, Guard. The above were installed and set to work by Past High Priest Joseph S. Browne, of St. Joseph.

December 8, 1874, were elected the following: M. M. Smith, H. P.; R. N. Howell, K.; John Wallace, S.; J. N. Masters, C. H. ; T, C. Dungan, P. S.; E. L. Allen, R. A. C; John Dyche, G. M. 3rd V.; Robert Montgomery, G. M. 2nd V.; E. Van Buskirk, G. M. 1st V.; Daniel Zook, Treasurer; Albert Roecker, Secretary; F. S. Rostock, Guard.

December 14, 1875 the following were elected : M. M. Smith, H. P.; R. N. Howell, K.; John Wallace, S.; J. N. Masters, C. H.; T. C. Dungan, P. S.; E. L. Allen, R. A. C; W. B. Orr, G. M. 3rd V.; E. Van Buskirk, G. M. 2nd V.; Robert Montgomery, G. M. 1st V.; Levi Oren, Treasurer; E. A. Brown, Secretary; F. S. Rostock, Guard. December 12, 1876 the following were chosen: W. H. Williams, H. P.; G. M. Dodge, K.; W. B. Orr, Scribe; J. N. Masters, C. H.; T. C. Dungan, P. S.; E. L. Allen, R. A. C.; Levi Oren, G. M. 3rd V.; E. Van Buskirk, G. M. 2nd V.; Robert Montgomery, G. M. 1st N.; Albert Roecker, Treasurer; W. G. Mclntyre, Secretary; F. S. Rostock, Guard.

December 11, 1877 the following were the officers chosen: T. C. Dungan, H. P.; M. M. Smith, K.; G. M. Dodge, S ; J. N. Masters, C. H.; W. G. Mclntyre, P. S.; E. L. Allen, R. A. C; Levi Oren, G. M. 3rd V.; E. Van Buskirk, G. M. 2nd V.; B. F. Fleming, G. M. 1st V.; Albert Roecker, Treasurer; Robert Montgomery, Secretary; John Wallace, Guard.

In 1878, there was no election held. December 9, 1879 the officers chosen were M. M. Smith, H. P.; E. VanBuskirk, K.; E. Annibal, S ; J. S. Hart, C. H.; G. M. Dodge, P. S.; W. G. Mclntyre, R. A. C; B. F. Fleming, G. M. 3rd V.; J. F. Bridgeman, G. M. 2nd V; J. N. Masters, G. M. 1st V.; E. A. Brown, Treasurer; E. Gillis, Secretary; F. S. Rostock, Guard.

In 1880, the above officers were all re-elected. February 1881, the Chapter was moved to Mound City, where it has since continued to occupy the hall of Mound City Lodge No. 294, over W. M. Hamsher's store, on the northeast corner of State and Main Streets.

December, 1881, occurred the first election of officers of the Chapter in Mound City. The following was the result: M. M. Smith, H. P.; Robert Montgomery, K.; E. Annibal, S.; J. S. Hart, C. H.; G. M. Dodge, P. S.; Ed. Gilles, R. A. C; B. F. Fleming, G. M. 3d V.; J. F. Bridgeman, G. M. 2d V.; E. VanBuskirk, G. M. 1st V; E. A. Brown, Treasurer ; W. G. Mclntyre, Secretary, and F. S. Rostock, Guard.

Source: "History of Holt and Atchison Counties, 1882" transcribed by Karyn.