Obituary: A Mother in Israel has gone home.
Our beloved sister, Martha Embree, died at the residence of her son-in-law Samuel B. Hull, near Lamonte, Pettis County, Missouri on the 2d day of April; her disease was congestion of the lungs. She was born in Clark County, Kentucky, on the 2d day of April 1808 and departed her life on her birthday 67 years of age. She married Tarleton Embree in Kentucky, and moved to Illinois in 1852; moved from Illinois to Missouri 1855, where her husband died in Johnson County on February 4th, 1861.
It is remarkable that sister Embree and her husband both departed this life on their birthdays and about the same time of the day. Sister Embree leaves a grief stricken daughter and two sons to mourn their loss of a kind and devoted mother. She united with the Old School Baptist Church at an early age, where she remained a worthy and consistent member until her death. She was sound in the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, firm and unshaken in the faith once delivered to the saints of which Jesus is the author and finisher; that faith enabled her to look beyond the world of suffering. She met death calmly, with humble resignation to God's will. Her death falls heavily on our little church of which she was a worthy member, but while we miss her very much and mourn her departure, we are confident that our loss is her gain.
On April 3d, a funeral sermon, which was appropriate and comforting, was preached by Elder A.P. Tannehill from the 1st and 7th verses of the 11th chapter of Ecclesiastes, after which her remains were conveyed to the Lamonte cemetery, the last resting place.
G.M. Pemberton
Source: Sedalia Daily Democrat, 14 April 1875
Submitter: Cathy Warbritton